The Beausay Experience
Mind/REV Golf:
A New Approach to Winning
Building Life Tough Boys
"I Am the Game"
The Mind/REV ULTRA System
Simon Tales Fables
My simple systems combine a little bit of reading with short videos and personal power generation exercises you can do in the moment you need it the most. My stuff is smart and works fast by teaching you how your brain generates all the stuff you dislike about yourself, all on its own. That's right: You are not your brain and your brain is not you. And you can take over the machinery of your brain and have it make anything you want. How happy can you be? How much energy and focus can you handle? I'll show you how to get much much more and do it very quickly, no religion, no gurus, no expensive therapy. You just need to be shown how to be a person of action in the key moments that change your life. You will never have more fun running yourself, I guarantee it. Let me help you return the energy and traction and love you are capable for your own life. I want to send you a very simple book that explains how you can get this going in yourself right now. If you want to get in on my coaching, you are welcome, but not necessary. The book explains it all. Consider it my gift to you. Send me an email with your address and I'll send you the book. Good luck on your journey.
For Personal Power Series Personal Power & Creating Miracles When You're Done in Fed Up and Stressed Out True Greatness The Sender THE SIMON TALES COLLECTION Creating Inner Power When You're Anxious, Tired and Fed Up For Parents: Boys: Shaping Ordinary Boys Into Extraordinary Men Girls: Helping Your Little Girl Become An Extraordinary Woman Teenage Boys: Shaping the Man Inside Solving Teenagers: A Busy Parents Guide For Life Success True Greatness: Winning the Inner Game of Business Success The Sender: A Story About Beating Cancer The Simon Tales Life Success Novellas Ultra: The Fast Personal Action System MindREV Golf: Winning the Inner Game of Golf (Online Smart Course) ....Plus many others. In the interest of time, please Google me. Contact me for Online, Zoom and group training